
Keeping a social media post from becoming a factor in divorce

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Keeping a social media post from becoming a factor in divorce

Social media outlets make it much easier to stay in constant contact with family members and friends, even during hectic times in life. If you are an avid social media user, you may find pleasure in being able to share pictures and stories of live events with those close to you with little more than the touch of a button.

However, there may be certain circumstances in life for which it could be advisable to limit your social media exposure. If you are going through a divorce, using caution with the information you share could help keep your soon-to-be ex-spouse from seeking to use a post as evidence against you in court.

Topics to avoid

You may be surprised to learn how much even a seemingly harmless social media post could influence the outcome of your situation. Some examples of topics that it may be helpful to avoid sharing on social media during divorce may include:

  • A night out with friends: While posting pictures of a night out reconnecting with friends may seem harmless, others may argue a photo of you out celebrating with drinks is evidence of a lack of responsibility.
  • Emotional outbursts: It may also be advisable to stop and think before you post during moments of stress, as the other party could attempt to use an emotional outburst to question your state of mind.
  • The other party: Speaking ill of the other person on social media may also prove detrimental to your cause, and if you have children together, such behavior could prove harmful to their well-being.
  • Moving on: Sharing information about a new relationship could create unnecessary conflict, and posting pictures of you treating yourself to a night out at a nice restaurant might give others reason to question if your spending habits indicate some form of financial dishonesty.

Understanding how your actions and decisions might affect the outcome of your divorce can be a challenging feat, but it could also be essential to preparing for what comes next.

Preparing for what comes next

With a great deal on the line during the end of your marriage, preparing to protect your future can seem a stressful and intimidating task. Fortunately, you do not have to go through this alone, and speaking with someone with intricate knowledge of Louisiana state divorce laws could provide you with much-needed insight on what to expect and how to prepare for the process. Such guidance could help place you in a better position to pursue the best outcome achievable concerning your future during divorce proceedings.

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