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 September 22, 2011 |

A Baton Rouge, Louisiana man thought he hit a jackpot, but instead, the money was confiscated by the state and put toward a growing bill of unpaid child support he owed. The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) seized $1,995.40 of the man’s $2,000 winnings at the Hollywood Casino. He was a non-custodial… Continue reading Louisiana officials snag casino winnings from delinquent

 September 12, 2011 |

Louisiana’s Department of Children and Family Services rounded up parents who have skirted their financial duties and listed them on a website accompanied by how much money they owe. All parents listed have been ordered by court to make child support payments. The total is alarming – tipping the scales at $1.2 billion in payments… Continue reading Louisiana compiles public database of delinquent parents

 September 7, 2011 |

A rash of murder-suicides in Louisiana has thrown up a red flag and caught the attention of authorities, forcing them to take a hard look at why instances of domestic violence have seemingly spiraled out of control. In the summer of 2011, three couples in the Shreveport, Louisiana, area were tangled in cases of domestic… Continue reading Louisiana domestic violence-related deaths highlight problem

 August 29, 2011 |

The U.S. government has come under criticism from a United Nations human rights expert for its failure to provide adequate protection of women from domestic violence by people they are in a relationship with. The UN Special Rapporteur on the topic of violent acts against women (and their consequences and causes) said the U.S. track… Continue reading U.S. criticized for failure to protect domestic violence victims

 August 9, 2011 |

Careful planning about future tax consequences of receiving particular shares of stock in a divorce property settlement agreement is essential. Louisiana is a community property state in which both spouses are treated as equal owners of all marital property. While property that one spouse acquired before entering into the marriage may be separate property that… Continue reading Original purchase price of stocks may impact property settlement

 August 8, 2011 |

When your marriage has ended and you want to take the right steps to protect your future and the interests of your family, an experienced and thorough lawyer can be of great assistance, helping you protect your rights. The family law system in Louisiana can be confusing and intimidating. You may be uncertain of your… Continue reading Welcome to our Baton Rouge, Louisiana, family law blog

 September 25, 0001 |

Television sitcoms make the process of adoption look so easy. Fill out some paperwork, have a social worker interview you at home and wait for the call that comes to tell you a birth mother has chosen you. All in the span of a half hour. That is as far from reality as television can… Continue reading Adoption not as easy as 1-2-3

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