
Father of 30 asks judge to lower child support

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Father of 30 asks judge to lower child support

For residents in Louisiana, child support duties are extremely important. Sometimes, individual parties cannot afford it and ask for a reduction. However, in a unique child support case, a man has asked several times due to the amount of children he fathers.

A 33-year-man who lives in another southeastern state has appeared in court several times to ask a judge to reduce his child support obligations. The reason? Eleven women have given birth to his 30 children, and he said his minimum-wage pay just does not allow him to pay child support.

An assistant supervisor with the child support clerk’s office in his county acknowledged several open cases with the man. She also said that the man cannot be banned by law from having relations with women that could lead to more kids. He is believed to hold the record in his county for most children.

A television station covering the man’s area said that he pays just $1.49 per month in support for some of the children.

It is unclear what the man’s occupation is or if he works steadily. When he does work, he must pay half of his earnings for his children, which is the most allowed by state law. The child support office staff member said she could not reveal whether any of the children need public assistance to survive.

The man said that he fathered four children in the same year on two different occasions. His oldest child now is 14 and the youngest is a toddler.

The man is well-known in his area and a television station conducted an interview with him in 2009. At that point, he proclaimed he had finished fathering children, but since then, women have given birth to nine more of his offspring.

People who intend to have children need to know they have a means to support them. That is true for both men and for women, who must realize that they will be required in court to provide for their children.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Man who had 30 kids with 11 women wants child-support break,” Rene Lynch, May 18, 2012

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