Our Legal Representation Is Tailored To

Your Specific Needs

 August 24, 2012 |

In 2006, firm founder Bill Rowe completed the required mediation training for qualifying as a mediator under Louisiana law.  Since that time, Bill Rowe has grabbed every opportunity to serve as mediator, whether in a family case or in as civil case.  Now that he is officially on the Alternative Dispute Resolution listing maintained by the Louisiana State Bar Association, Bill Rowe intends to expand the firm’s role in the market.  ” After 25 years of litigation, I know that my experience and cost-conscious approach will allow us to compete effectively with the established firms and enhance the services we can offer at Rowe & Manning Law Firm LLC” says Rowe.

    The role of mediation has continued to grow over the years in all areas of litigation.  The cost has grown at least as much and as quickly.  Rowe & Manning Law Firm LLC is dedicated to finding ways to limit the high cost by working toward predictable fees without administrative overhead charges that have become the rule rather than the exception with mediation firms.  Overworked mediators are sometimes distracted by time constraints, causing extended session times that result in little or no benefit except increasing the cost.  Rowe & Manning Law Firm LLC personnel and clients have been on the wrong end of that problem and will strive to limit outside distractions and offer cap costs to protect the litigants where appropriate.  Visit http://www.rowe-lawfirm.com  and this blog in the near future as Rowe & Manning Law Firm LLC’s plans and experience come together.

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