
Deciding whether to move forward with a divorce

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Deciding whether to move forward with a divorce

Many married people in Louisiana may be thinking about whether or not to move forward with a divorce when they are experiencing marital difficulties. Thinking about a divorce is something that should be approached seriously. You need to ask whether you believe that your marriage has really broken down irretrievably or whether you are just instead going through a temporary rough patch, perhaps because of external difficulties such as economic problems from unpaid bills or a job loss.

If the two spouses really still love each other and genuinely want to work together to save their marriage, it can be done, although often with great difficulty or sacrifices. If, on the other hand, the marriage is really dead, and everything is over, the mature and intelligent thing to do may well be to move quickly to put an official end to it, and then move on with your life.

For those attempting to salvage their marriage, a good counselor can be invaluable. For those who have decided to end it, there is absolutely no substitute for an experienced divorce lawyer. There are too many legal, economic and practical decisions to make, so you need a seasoned professional to guide you through the process.

There are some who attempt to file for divorce on their own using some self-help book or instructions they read somewhere on the Internet. Such “guidance” is almost certainly worth just what was paid for it and winds up being costly in both time and money, as well as creating additional problems where none previously exist. A divorce attorney knows how to protect your rights in pensions and retirement savings vehicles, health insurance, military benefits and spousal Social Security benefits, as well as how to protect you against continuing to be liable for your ex-spouse’s newly acquired debt. You owe it to yourself to get knowledgeable and detailed advice so that your divorce is done properly and is legally binding.

Source: Huffington Post, “Is Divorce Right for You?” Debbie Martinez, Oct. 31, 2013

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