
Divorce filings peak after the holiday season

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Divorce filings peak after the holiday season

This blog devotes a lot of time talking about the divorce process and the plethora of issues that accompany it. Though these matters are highly important and can be difficult to contend with, so, too, can the mere decision to file for divorce. For many, the timing may never feel right. For others, though, there may be specific timing that works best for them and their family.

According to studies, one of the most common times for divorce filings is after the holiday season. There may be many reasons for this. Spouses may want to allow their family to enjoy the holidays without the negative animosity often associated with divorce. Due to holiday shopping, spouses may not have the funds available to divorce until sometime after the New Year’s arrival. For others, they may choose this early time of the year to dissolve their marriage so as to prevent upcoming bonuses from being included as marital property.

With divorce filings peaking in March, many Louisianans may be thinking about initiating the process themselves in the near future. There are many routes one can take and, depending on several factors, including the spouses’ relationship with one another and which divorce legal issues are being contended, there may be a way to bring the marriage to an end without strung out, heated litigation.

Whether an individual is considering a collaborative approach, mediation or full-fledged litigation, it is critical that he or she knows what they are getting into. By discussing the matter with an experienced family law attorney, these individuals may be able to develop a successful divorce strategy that seeks a fair and favorable resolution with regards to property division, alimony, child custody and child support.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “Studies show couples wait until after the holidays to divorce, with filings peaking in March,” Tim Grant, Dec. 11, 2015

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