The accepted thought is that family law judges favor mothers when ruling on child custody, but a thorough study of an analysis conducted by national research center shows that it isn’t so.
In fact, it appears that mothers gain custody more frequently than fathers do because fathers voluntarily give custody to mothers. There is, it seems, no bias among judges in favor of mothers. Fathers do not seek custody in great numbers during divorce proceedings.
Here is a glimpse at some of the interesting findings of the analysis:
Given how many mothers have primary physical custody of their children, fathers who have not studied such statistics could feel judges have a bias against them. The numbers bear out, however, that children overwhelmingly live with their mothers because fathers agree to the arrangement.
Fathers who desire physical custody of their children should not feel discriminated against should their case wind up before a judge. Judges’ decisions did not lead to mother-dominated custody precedents.
Source: Huffington Post, “Dispelling The Myth Of Gender Bias In The Family Court System,” Cathy Meyer, July 10, 2012