
Divorce gives many a new perspective on life

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Divorce gives many a new perspective on life

People who go through a divorce in Louisiana and nationwide often find that it gives them a new perspective on life. One thing to realize is that while in some ways it is an end, in other ways it is a new beginning. It will change you, but it also changes how other people will look at you. Many people may regard you differently after your marriage has ended, even after much time has passed.

While it may not look like it at first, new relationships will occur and often flourish. Money issues may still arise between you and your former spouse, and many friends and family may fervently take sides, not always based on the reality of what caused the marriage to break up.

Divorce does not totally end your relationship with your ex-spouse, particularly if you have kids. This is one good reason (among several) to refrain from bad-mouthing your ex-spouse to your children. It can damage much-needed cooperation, as well as unfairly putting kids on the spot and forcing them to choose sides.

A divorce provides an excellent opportunity to look at and reassess many things about your life and decide what is important to you, what goals you have, and how you can best work to achieve them. An experienced divorce lawyer has helped guide a lot of people through this process and can have a lot of practical advice about how to make a new start. While your attorney is not a therapist or counselor, he or she is someone genuinely and wholeheartedly on your side, who is privy to some private details about your marriage and situation, and can contribute to helping you resolve the contested issues in your divorce.

Source: Huffington Post, “Life After Divorce: 17 Surprising Lessons You Learn During Divorce” Jennifer Cullen, Jun. 30, 2013

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